Woodlawn Confederate Dead List - Last names J - K -L
**The most accurate list available**

Maintained, updated, and corrected daily by Diane Janowski with information from Confederate descendants
Last correction made May 25, 2022
Red names have had corrections with new information from Confederate descendants
If your ancestor needs corrections, or if you would like a photo of your ancestor's grave
- please send an email to our Elmira City Historian and she will assist you - weather permitting.
Last names ABC - DEF - GHI - JKL - MN - OPQR - S - TWi -WoZ - List of Survivors
Surname, First Name - Death date - State - Rank - Company - Woodlawn Grave Number
JACKSON, Curtis A. January 2, 1865 Georgia C 24th 1505
JACKSON, Henry A. December 4, 1864 North Carolina B 68th 884
JACKSON, Isaac January 25, 1865 Virginia B 42nd 1620
JACKSON, J.G. August 12, 1864 South Carolina E 4th Cavalry 133
JACKSON, J.W. October 6, 1864 Kentucky L 3rd 583
JACKSON, John February 27, 1865 North Carolina K 1st 2152
JACKSON, Joseph C. November 12, 1864 North Carolina C 11th 819
JACKSON, N. H. February 11, 1865 North Carolina A 36th 2094
JACKSON, R. May 19, 1865 Virginia E 2nd Artillery 2944
JACKSON, William M. July 15, 1864 Georgia C 53rd Shohola
JACOBS, A. J. November 1, 1864 South Carolina A 21st 756
JACOBS, Jason May 16, 1865 North Carolina F 1st 2957
JAMES, Henry L. September 21, 1864 North Carolina G 43rd 338
JAMES, J. C. March 16, 1865 Tennessee B 1st Heavy Artillery 1694
JAMES, John B. February 10, 1865 Virginia I 11th 2080
JAMES, Marshall E. November 22, 1864 North Carolina E 2nd 935
JAMES, William J. October 1, 1864 Georgia B 12th 413
JARRATT, R.G. October 1, 1864 Virginia G 42nd 444
JEFFERS, George W. March 27, 1865 Tennessee C 31st Heavy Artillery 2497
JEFFRIES, John March 10, 1865 North Carolina E 35th Corporal 1880
JENKINS, E. H. March 21, 1865 Tennessee I 14th 1551
JENKINS, Henry March 13, 1865 North Carolina K 5th 2429
JENKINS, R.O. April 21, 1865 South Carolina G 18th 1388
JENNINGS, C.M. May 30,1865 Virginia F 29th 2909
JERNEGAN, G.W. February 12, 1865 North Carolina E 20th Corporal 2072 also known as Jernegan, George W.
JERNIGAN, E. A. October 6, 1864 North Carolina H 50th 596
JERNIGAN, Lewis M. December 28, 1864 North Carolina H 20th 1297
JESSUP, William F. July 9, 1865 Georgia I 61st 2843
JOB, Jesse R. January 13, 1865 North Carolina H 1st 1471 also known as Jobe, Jesse R.
JOB, Jonathan F. April 8, 1865 North Carolina H 1st 2632
JOHNS, Decatur September 9, 1864 Virginia F 25th 201
JOHNS, Enoch December 27, 1864 Florida Jones Company Florida Home Guards 1st Reserve 1290
JOHNSON, A. D. March 30, 1865 Virginia I 5th Cavalry 2535
JOHNSON, A.G. April 13, 1865 Alabama E 5th Reserve 2703
JOHNSON, Amos April 10, 1865 North Carolina B 36th 2721
JOHNSON, Anderson October 21, 1864 South Carolina C 22nd 523
JOHNSON, Edward September 12, 1864 North Carolina G 5th Sergeant 184
JOHNSON, H. A. December 9, 1864 Alabama BB 1034
JOHNSON, H. H. March 13, 1865 Virginia H 50th 1824
JOHNSON, J. May 21, 1865 Virginia B 50th Artillery 2938
JOHNSON, J. L. December 13, 1864 Louisiana G Power’s Regiment 1125 questionable listing - there was a G Company in Louisiana but Power’s Regiment was in Mississippi not Louisiana
JOHNSON, J. J. February 16, 1865 South Carolina G 25th 2210
JOHNSON, J. W. February 13, 1865 Virginia Carter’s Battery 2045
JOHNSON, Larry February 26, 1865 North Carolina F 10th 2158
JOHNSON, M.P. March 23, 1865 South Carolina I 25th 2443
JOHNSON, Richard M. February 20, 1865 North Carolina C 36th 2332
JOHNSON, Robert F. January 19, 1865 Georgia F 9th 1204
JOHNSON, S. A. February 23, 1865 North Carolina C 36th 2257
JOHNSON, W. H. February 16, 1865 Georgia B 11th 2196
JOHNSON, William M. H. January 18, 1865 North Carolina K 52nd 1436
JOINCE, B. March 4, 1865 Confederate States Navy Steamship “Arrow” Seaman 1968
JOINER, A. July 15, 1864 Virginia C 13th Shohola
JOINER, J. R. May 7, 1865 North Carolina K 1st 2767
JOLLY, James R. October 6, 1864 Virginia H 60th 593
JONAS, Daniel January 17, 1865 North Carolina D 1st Infantry 1442 cause of death - pneumonia
JONES, A. H. January 22, 1865 North Carolina I 1st 1598
JONES, A. W. November 17, 1864 North Carolina I 1st 961
JONES, A. J. July 11, 1865 North Carolina K 56th 2846
JONES, Alexander March 29, 1865 North Carolina F 18th 2522
JONES, B. B. January 17, 1865 Georgia E 7th Corporal 1440
JONES, B. P. April 1, 1865 North Carolina B 40th Sergeant 2583
JONES, C. A. April 27, 1865 North Carolina I 6th 2724
JONES, D.M. October 10, 1864 South Carolina H 7th Battalion 666
JONES, David December 23, 1864 Virginia A 42nd 1096
JONES, David W. December 2, 1864 Virginia H 5th 1009
JONES, George W. September 7, 1864 Virginia C Alexander’s Battery Artillery 248
JONES, J. A. February 26, 1865 South Carolina L 21st 2122
JONES, J. B. February 20, 1865 Alabama C 1st Battalion of Artillery 2317
JONES, James M. November 29, 1864 Alabama F 1st Battalion of Artillery Sergeant 985
JONES, John B. May 10, 1865 Virginia D 50th Sergeant 2793
JONES, John L. September 1, 1864 Alabama B 61st 76
JONES, R. July 15, 1865 North Carolina C 1st 2875
JONES, W.H. March 28, 1865 North Carolina G 1st 2499
JONES, W.S. March 10, 1865 Alabama I 7th Cavalry 1853
JONES, William October 28, 1864 North Carolina C 51st 717
JONES, William A. July 15, 1864 Virginia D 22nd Shohola
JONES, William A. March 27, 1865 Virginia I 53rd 2505
JONES, William T. November 23, 1864 North Carolina H 5th 920
JORDAN, A. October 23, 1864 Georgia G 7th Cavalry 865
JORDAN, A. C. February 13, 1865 Georgia A 24th Corporal 2073
JORDAN, J. A. March 7, 1865 North Carolina I 32nd 2404
JORDAN, J.W. September 22, 1864 South Carolina F 6th Corporal 486
JORDAN, James M. February 26, 1865 Georgia A 27th 1628
JORDAN, John J. December 4, 1864 Virginia F 44th Sergeant 890
JORDAN, Kinyon March 10, 1865 North Carolina F 10th State Troop 1864
JORDAN, T. W. February 15, 1865 Georgia A 24th 2174
JORDAN, William H. H. May 16, 1865 Georgia K 12th 2960
JORDAN, William K. September 16, 1864 South Carolina I 21st 168
JOYNER, John F. April 3, 1865 North Carolina I 3rd Cavalry 2547
JOYNER, Samuel February 28, 1865 North Carolina E 36th 2nd Artillery State Troop 2148
JUDKINS, Joseph G. October 11, 1864 Virginia B Hood’s Battery 693
JUSTICE, Sparral January 19, 1865 Virginia B 42nd 1209
KALLAM, John N. December 1, 1864 Virginia F 46th 894
KAMP, J. A. February 15, 1865 North Carolina E 3rd Corporal 2177
KANAN, James March 27, 1865 Alabama B 1st Artillery 2491
KAYLOR, John March 27, 1865 North Carolina B 35th 2500
KEANE, Edward January 5, 1865 Alabama A 21st Drummer 1238
KEATON, Madison December 20, 1864 Virginia I 24th 1079
KEELER, J. January 5, 1865 Georgia H 24th 1258
KEEN, Moses H. August 19, 1864 Florida B 5th 117
KELLER, Noah February 12, 1865 North Carolina A 7th 2075
KELLEY, E. October 25, 1864 Virginia 5th Sergeant 710
KELLEY, J. M. February 13, 1865 South Carolina H 25th 2067
KELLEY, James February 6, 1865 South Carolina B 25th Sergeant 1912
KELLIHER, Dennis December 24, 1864 Virginia B Baxton Artillery 1106 also known as Kelliher, Daniel
KELLUM, Reddin November 24, 1864 North Carolina B 24th 921
KELLY, J. C. March 20, 1865 South Carolina H 25th 2112 - JC was from the Charleston, SC area - The South Carolina 25th Infantry Regiment [also called Eutaw Regiment] was organized and mustered into Confederate service in July, 1862. It was formed with men of the 11th Battalion who were from Charleston and the middle region of the state. It served in the Charleston area assigned to the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and in September 1863, it was placed in General Hagood's Brigade. All the men present at Fort Fisher were captured.
KELLY, Simon February 16, 1865 South Carolina C 21st 2202
KEMP, Edward March 17, 1865 Alabama E 1st Artillery 1697
KEMP, W. H. September 2, 1864 South Carolina C 22nd 211
KEMP, W. N. February 14, 1865 Georgia M Phillips’ Legion 2163
KENDALL, Samuel December 13/64 North Carolina K 42nd 1131
KENDRICK, W. P. February 1, 1865 Virginia H 42nd 1770
KENEDY, Thomas March 2, 1865 Georgia F 8th 2021
KENNEDY, A. J. March 6, 1865 Virginia I 26th Battalion 2394
KENNEDY, Levi B. February 6, 1865 North Carolina K 10th 1st Artillery State Troop 1893
KENNEDY, Lorenzo P. February 2, 1865 Georgia E 16th 1774
KENNEDY, William A. April 12, 1865 North Carolina A 32nd 2689
KENT, Richard February 14, 1865 Texas B 3rd 1739
KERNEZAY, Wesley April 27, 1865 North Carolina G 40th Corporal 2725
KERR, Milton February 13, 1865 North Carolina A 51st 2036
KEY, D. S. October 19, 1864 Virginia H 34th 528
KEY, David April 1, 1865 South Carolina H 14th 2596
KEY, R. R. May 28, 1865 South Carolina I 12th Corporal 2912
KEYS, Isaac September 28, 1864 Virginia A 26th 430
KIDD, Fields A. September 13, 1864 Virginia K 44th 271
KIDD, James M. April 20, 1865 Georgia C 35th 1381
KILBY, William May 3, 1865 North Carolina F 37th 2749
KILGORE, James September 14, 1864 Georgia C 9th Hillyer Rifles 287
KILLINGSWORTH, James G. March 20, 1865 Georgia I 51st Sergeant1 552
KIMBRO, William September 29, 1864 Georgia F 24th 427
KINEMORE, M. September 29, 1864 South Carolina D 18th 434
KING, A. March 29, 1865 North Carolina I 3rd 2510
KING, A. October 21, 1864 North Carolina D 8th 876
KING, B. S. February 24, 1865 North Carolina F 10th 1st Artillery State Troop 2252
KING, C. April 18, 1865 Virginia I 50th 1347
KING, C. B. January 30, 1865 Alabama A 1st Battalion of Artillery 1791
KING, Caswell March 6, 1865 North Carolina C 30th 2402​
KING, E. P. May 7, 1865 Georgia H 13th 2769
KING, Henry W. January 15, 1865 Virginia B 29th 1449
KING, Hiram December 5, 1864 Alabama E 1st Battalion of Artillery 1031
KING, Hubard March 26, 1865 North Carolina G 45th 2473
KING, James March 2, 1865 North Carolina G 36th 2nd Artillery State Troop 2115
KING, Josiah September 12, 1864 South Carolina I 1st 174
KING, P. March 16, 1865 Louisiana Citizen of Louisiana 1695
KING, Rufus February 1, 1865 Alabama F 15th 1773
KING, W. June 3, 1865 South Carolina E 25th 2818
KING, William March 12, 1865 Virginia K 50th 2427
KING, William T. January 13, 1865 Florida A 1st Reserve 1468
KINGSLOVER, A. F. January 14, 1865 Virginia I 48th 1459
KINLAW, Benjamin April 16, 1865 North Carolina K 40th 3rd Artillery State Troop 2720
KINLAW, Neil February 20, 1865 North Carolina K 40th 3rd Artillery State Troop 2334 also known as Kinlaw, Neill
KINNEY, Clingman October 21, 1864 North Carolina I 8th 875
KIRBY, Dixon April 13, 1865 North Carolina K 10th 2770
KIRBY, James H. September 12, 1864 Virginia A 26th 181
KIRBY, James W. October 10, 1864 Louisiana B 7th 665
KIRBY, William H. August 7, 1864 North Carolina C 14th Sergeant 13
KIRETT, F. March 16, 1865 South Carolina M 22nd 1709 should be KIVETT, Talton
KIRK, Joseph P. September 15, 1864 Virginia B 59th 299
KIRKLAND, J. William December 8, 1864 Louisiana B Paine’s Brigade 1171
KISER, George M. March 27, 1865 North Carolina H 5th 2524
KITCHIN, Thomas W. April 12, 1865 Virginia B Hood’s Battalion 2694
KITNER, John F. September 19, 1864 North Carolina A 52nd 327 should be Kittner, John P.
KNIGHT, A. N. September 15, 1864 Georgia 7th Sergeant 290
KNIGHT, J.A. February 22, 1865 Georgia D 18th 2250
KNIGHT, John April 15, 1865 North Carolina C 3rd Battalion Artillery 2714
KNIGHT, John January 24, 1865 Georgia C 64th 1621
KNIGHT, W.M. November 16, 1864 Alabama I 5th 955
KNODE, George W. September 12, 1864 Virginia C 2nd Cavalry 192
KNOTT, John H. May 26, 1865 North Carolina B 12th 2919
KNOWLES, John A. May 21, 1865 North Carolina E 36th 2937
KNOX, Gardner February 28, 1865 North Carolina C 2nd 2150
KNUCKLES, J.F. September 21, 1864 Virginia F 50th 337
KOLWICK, A.D. December 17, 1864 Tennessee A 1st Artillery 1735
KUESNER, John February 14, 1865 Virginia K 40th 2054
KYLE, James November 20, 1864 North Carolina K 11th 947
LADD, F.M. March 14, 1865 South Carolina F Holcombe Legion 2189
LADD, G.W. January 3, 1865 Virginia G 55th 1260
LAFFLOON, G. November 2, 1864 North Carolina B 2nd 758
LAFFMAN, William November 29, 1864 North Carolina F 37th 982 sometimes listed as Luffman, William
LAIL, Cicero January 4, 1865 North Carolina C 25th 1262
LAMAR, F.M. January 25, 1865 Virginia E 48th Corporal 1625
LAMB, James February 19, 1865 North Carolina F 10th 1st Artillery State Troop 2335
LAMBERT, Green December 28, 1864 Georgia B 27th 1306
LAMBERT, S. March 4, 1865 North Carolina E 45th 1987
LAMBERTON, Eli March 7, 1865 North Carolina H 36th 2382
LANCE, Daniel September 29, 1864 Virginia H 25th 438
LANE, A.J. February 25, 1865 North Carolina D 32nd 2293
LANE, Henry February 12, 1865 North Carolina A 1st 2081
LANE, Robert J. February 21, 1865 Virginia A 44th 2232
LANGFORD, J.A. February 6, 1865 Alabama F 15th Corporal 1922
LANGLEY, Charles W. October 2, 1864 Virginia B 10th 420
LANGLEY, J.R. February 25, 1865 Georgia H 16th 2285
LANIER, David August 29, 1864 North Carolina B 51st 58
LANIER, Francis M. December 9, 1864 Florida E 5th 1172
LANIER, Levi January 13, 1865 North Carolina D 3rd 1484
LANSDON, A.J. February 20, 1865 Alabama F 1st Battallion of Artillery 2318
LARBIN, Willis March 18, 1865 North Carolina H 36th 1728
LARMAN, Joseph February 18, 1865 North Carolina E 2nd 2342 also known as Lowman, Joseph
LARRICK, Joseph October 1, 1864 Tennessee G 63rd 417
LASHLEY, Lemuel March 23, 1865 Alabama G 3rd 2448
LAVANDER, Hy. L. September 20, 1864 Virginia A 4th 346
LAVANDER, Robert February 8, 1865 Virginia D 4th Cavalry 1937
LAWHON, James April 11, 1865 North Carolina A 36th 2670
LAWRENCE, A. September 6, 1864 North Carolina G 1st 240
LAWRENCE, James M. April 23, 1865 North Carolina F 36th 1403
LAWRENCE, John W. December 3, 1864 Virginia A 6th Cavalry 887
LAWRENCE, W.B. March 4, 1865 North Carolina G 1st 1986
LAWSON, J.W. March 13, 1865 Georgia Slaten’s Company Macon 2437
LAWSON, William February 20, 1865 North Carolina K 10th Artillery 2320
LAXTON, Thomas W. March 7, 1865 North Carolina B 1st 2363
LEACH, Hugh March 30, 1865 North Carolina K 10th 1st Artillery 2591
LEACH, W. July 20, 1865 South Carolina E 17th 2868
LEAR, William W. February 6, 1865 Tennessee D 1st Artillery 1903
LEATHERS, William L. October 31, 1864 Louisiana G 15th 738
LEE, Cyrus April 23, 1865 Virginia B 18th Cavalry 1398
LEE, David L. September 20, 1864 North Carolina E 51st 345
LEE, Harry January 10, 1865 North Carolina C 5th 1497
LEE, John H. December 7, 1864 North Carolina E 24th 1050
LEE, L. D. May 15, 1865 Alabama A 1st 2805
LEE, R. S. February 26, 1865 Virginia B Hood’s Battalion 2155
LEE, S. W. July 15, 1864 North Carolina K 8th Shohola
LEE, William A. September 20, 1864 Georgia D 61st Corporal 330
LEE, Z. N. February 4, 1865 North Carolina G 55th 1737
LEMMONS, James A. May 20, 1865 North Carolina K 10th 2939
LEMON, Williarn H. January 8, 1865 Louisiana K 3rd Cavalry 1220
LENTZ, John D. February 18, 1865 North Carolina C 42nd 2354
LENTZ, M. September 18, 1864 North Carolina C 18th 155
LEONARD, L. D. March 7, 1865 North Carolina B 45th 2380
LeQUEUX, William B. September 6, 1864 South Carolina I 27th 246
LESLIE, E.P. February 24, 1865 North Carolina K 1st 2272 - Family says should be Elijah Preston Lyles- brother of Henry Lyle
LEWALLEN, B. F. September 1, 1864 South Carolina I 8th 71
LEWALLEN, G.M. Decembr 19, 1864 Tennessee A 1st Artillery 1069
LEWIS, Charles E. August 25, 1864 Georgia F 61st 107
LEWIS, D. July 31, 1864 North Carolina G 22nd 144
LEWIS, D. W. March 18, 1865 South Carolina A 2nd 1731
LEWIS, Edward S. September 15, 1864 North Carolina A 31st Sergeant 303
LEWIS, G. March 13, 1865 Georgia G 7th Cavalry 1820
LEWIS, G.N. February 6, 1865 Alabama G 9th 1920
LEWIS, J.H. October 19, 1864 North Carolina H 38th 534
LEWIS, Nathan September 24, 1864 North Carolina E 18th 463
LEWIS, R. E. March 16, 1865 Georgia D 12th 1797
LEWIS, Willard August 30, 1864 Virginia B Hood’s Battalion 59
LEWIS, William H. September 6, 1864 North Carolina G 22nd 217
LIFARGE, F.M. April 3, 1865 South Carolina K 25th Sergeant 2567
LIGHTNER, Thomas K. December 5, 1864 Virginia I 52nd 1019
LILES, H. H. September 30, 1864 Georgia G 7th Cavalry 406
LILLARD, Richard September 27, 1864 North Carolina G 45th 443
LILLEY, Joseph L. November 24, 1864 North Carolina F 31st 910
LIME, William March 31, 1865 North Carolina I 36th 2595
LINBECKER, C.M. January 2, 1865 Texas E 12th Cavalry 1338
LINDSAY, E.H. May 8, 1865 North Carolina Confederate States Navy 2773 also known as Lindsay, E. K.
LINDSEY, Augustus October 30, 1864 Georgia O Phillips’ Legion 745
LINEBERGER, A. P. September 21, 1864 North Carolina C 28th 494
LINSAY, John W. October 12, 1864 North Carolina F 56th 572
LITCHFIELD, Joseph April 29, 1865 North Carolina B 8th 2733
LITTLE, Robert E. March 20, 1865 North Carolina D 13th Battery 1577
LITTLE, William P. February 5, 1865 North Carolina I 53rd 1896
LITTLEJOHN, S. December 15, 1864 South Carolina I 6th 1115
LIVELY, G.J. August 30, 1864 South Carolina K Holcombe Legion 97
LOBLANE, Dosite January 20, 1865 Louisiana C 4th Cavalry 1201
LOCKAMORE, R.O. August 21, 1864 Georgia E 51st 110
LOCKENNA, R. March 13, 1865 North Carolina D 36th 2423
LOCKETT, James H. November 15, 1864 Virginia B Hood’s Battalion 803
LOCKRANA, D. April 29, 1865 North Carolina D 36th 2729
LOFTON, J.H. March 30, 1865 North Carolina G 40th 2534
LOGAN, F. March 3, 1865 South Carolina F Holcombe Legion 1997
LOMAS, William March 28, 1865 South Carolina C 7th 2523
LONG, A. April 22, 1865 North Carolina E 35th 1394
LONG, Ezra September 8, 1864 North Carolina I 14th 94
LONG, John J. March 22, 1865 North Carolina C 18th 1510
LONG, Joseph March 2, 1865 North Carolina K 18th 2009
LONG, Joseph S. December 9, 1864 North Carolina H 33rd 1169
LONG, Robert April 22, 1865 Virginia B 10th 1393
LONG, S. P. April 6, 1865 North Carolina G 2nd 2629
LONG, Samuel November 24, 1864 Tennessee H 63rd 923
LONG, Virgil August 5, 1864 Virginia F 4th 142
LONG, W. E. October 3, 1864 North Carolina C 18th 612
LONGEST, John T. January 5, 1865 Virginia I 26th 1254
LORING, Joseph T. March 12, 1865 Virginia D 23rd 1847
LOUGHRY, Edward March 15, 1865 Louisiana I 8th 1665
LOVE, H. S. December 16, 1864 North Carolina A 18th 1059
LOVELACE, William F. November 25, 1864 North Carolina G 22nd 909
LOVETT, J.M. September 1, 1864 Georgia B 7th Cavalry 88
LOVITT, H. April 13, 1865 North Carolina D 18th 2576
LOWE, James A. March 11, 1865 Georgia F 12th 1851
LOWE, John D. May 3, 1865 Georgia E Cobb’s Legion 2755
LOWE, William September 5, 1864 North Carolina D 24th 237
LOWRY, Calvin August 30, 1864 South Carolina K 6th Corporal 96
LOYD, B. October 20, 1864 North Carolina G 28th 531
LOYD, James December 30, 1864 North Carolina I 1st 1323
LUCAS, J. F. April 11, 1865 North Carolina F 10th 2711
LUCAS, John H. May 30, 1865 Virginia D 5th Corporal 2908
LUCKEY, David February 28, 1865 North Carolina G 52nd 2161
LUMLEY, William October 11, 1864 North Carolina G 7th 581
LUMPSFORD, Joseph A. January 23, 1865 North Carolina H 24th Corporal 1612
LYLE, Henry H. October 3, 1864 North Carolina F 43rd 619 see LESLIE, E.P
LYLE, James December 10, 1864 South Carolina D 17th 1154
LYNCH, Elijah September 11, 1864 North Carolina K 1st 252
LYNCH, G. W. September 16, 1864 South Carolina I 26th 296
LYNN, F. C. December 12, 1864 Alabama D 1st Battalion of Artillery 1142
LYNN, James W. October 16, 1864 Virginia G 12th Cavalry 560
LYONS, C. T. March 2, 1865 Georgia G7 th Cavalry 2017​